Anti-aging diet

The dream of any woman is not only to lose weight, to be beautiful, but also to stay young as long as possible so that the skin of the face and body does not fade and their elasticity does not disappear with age.
It would seem that this is a pipe dream, but if you know the little secrets of self-care and know how to eat properly, then you can delay the aging process.
Therefore, a rejuvenating diet will not only help you lose extra pounds, but also bring your skin into a beautiful radiant color.
After all, those products that are used in a rejuvenating diet are the best suited to preserve youth and attractiveness.
The essence of the diet is that as you age, you should eat as little fatty meat, flour and sweet as possible in your diet, and replace them with fresh fruits and healthy vegetables that can be consumed in their natural raw form.
They best preserve vitamins and nutrients that are so necessary to preserve beauty.
Menu for the week.
Breakfast: Muesli cooked with blueberries or apricots
Lunch: A portion of steamed or stewed vegetables. Carrot salad grated on a grater without adding sugar seasoned with olive oil (1 teaspoon).
Dinner: One glass of low-fat kefir, one medium-sized apple.
During the day. Green tea with ginger without added sugar, a handful of dried fruits.
Breakfast: Muesli with nuts, raspberries, banana
Lunch: A portion of fish of non-fatty varieties, steamed or grilled. Boiled rice without salt. Green tea without sugar.
Dinner: Natural yogurt with strawberries, blueberries or grapefruit.
During the day. A handful of nuts of different varieties. Green tea with ginger.
Breakfast: One slice of bread. A small portion of cottage cheese with yogurt.
Lunch: Beans stewed on water or broccoli cabbage.
Dinner: One pear. A glass of kefir (1%).
During the day. Green tea or coffee without added sugar.
Breakfast: Oatmeal porridge with dried fruits.
Lunch: Tomato onion and celery soup, a piece of grain bread.
Dinner: One glass of low-fat milk.
During the day. A handful of nuts, green tea or coffee without sugar.
Breakfast: Cucumber, tomato, pepper salad. Season the salad with olive oil.
Lunch: 150 gr. fish (salmon or trout) baked in the oven, vegetable soup made from broccoli, onion, pepper and cabbage.
Dinner: A portion of cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt.
During the day. One apple. Green tea with ginger without added sugar.
Breakfast: A portion of fresh carrot salad.
Lunch: A portion of stewed cabbage of different varieties (cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts), 100 g of steamed or baked chicken breast,
Dinner: One glass of kefir or fermented baked milk
During the day. Green tea or green coffee without added sugar or with stevia.
Breakfast: Fruit yogurt, muesli with nuts.
Lunch: A portion of vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumber, pepper)
Dinner 80 grams of cottage cheese, one medium-sized apple.
During the day. Green tea without sugar. Dive deeper into the fishing experience with this link: .
